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Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Create Animated Favicon For Blogger / Blog

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Favicon For Blogger
Favicon is actually the icon that appears next to your Website URL in the browser address bar. A favicon is usually your blog logo. There are many free services that help to create favicons for you but most of these services use still images. I have used an animated favicon for my blog as you can see in your address bar.  It actually consists of a logo and then my blog title as text. The image and text together makes a more beautiful combination. So lets jump at the tutorial and create an attractive  cute favicon for your blog.

How To Create Animated Favicon ?

It's a useful tips to create a favicon for blogger or your website. In the internet many website (example:,,, dynamicdrive etc.) will help you to create favicon but only some website given this facility to create a animated favicon like my MHT favicon. I will show you how i create my own favicon then you can follow me & create your also.
   I use to create my MHT favicon. So let's know how i create it.

At first go to and you will see a window like bellow image.

Create a animated favicon

Then you need to apply use animation. After clicking 'use animation' you will see another part.

Before Clicking 'use animation' look like this

 After applying animation it wll look like this

After Clicking 'use animation' look like this

Now you can use "Append New Frame" to use animation on your favicon.

Append New Frame

After creating your favicon save it on your computer hard drive.

save it on your computer hard drive

Now you are done to create a animate favicon but you still have a big problem to use your flash/animated favicon on your blogger blog because hosting site does not allow to upload .ico file on your hosting account. Here is a smooth solution how to upload a animate flash favicon that mean .ico file.

How To Upload .ico File That Mean Animated Favicon?

It's so simple only one site give you facility to upload any type file in there website. it's So visit and upload your favicon to get your favicon direct link.

How To Add Animated Favicon On Blogger Blog ?

  • Step 1: Backup Your Template, Then Go To Blogger > Template > Edit HTML.
  • Step 2: Find  <b:skin><![CDATA[/*  [Use Ctrl+F for quick search].
  • Step 3: Just above/before  <b:skin><![CDATA[/*  line paste the bellow code.

<link href='Your-Favicon-Url-Here' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>
  • Step 4: Change Your-Favicon-Url-Here to your favicon image link.
  • Step 5: Preview your template and if all is right save you template.

That's all! You are done.


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