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Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Add Pinterest Follow Button On Blogger / Wordpress

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How To Add Pinterest Follow Button On Blogger / Website
Following using this button is a two-step process. Clicking the button first takes readers to your profile page where all your boards are displayed. From there, they can then choose to follow each board individually or choose to Follow All boards at once by clicking the respective buttons.
In this post I will give you the follow html codes. Please add bellow codes where you want to show the pinterest follow buttons.

Follow Button Preview Follow Button Codes

Follow Me on Pinterest
<a href=""><img src="" width="156" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

Follow Me on Pinterest
<a href=""><img src="" width="78" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

Follow Me on Pinterest
<a href=""><img src="" width="61" height="61" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

Follow Me on Pinterest
<a href=""><img src="" width="16" height="16" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

Add This Code To Blogger:
Just copy the follow code & paste it there, where you want to share it. You may use HTML/JavaScript to use follow codes. Then replace USERNAME to your pinterest username.

Add This Code On Wordpress:
Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Available Widgets.
Drag Text widget into a sidebar.
Paste the follow codes there.
Replace USERNAME to your pinterest username.

That's all! You are done!


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