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Monday, April 30, 2012

How To Replace Read More Link With Read More Image

How To Replace Read More Link With Read More Image
Read more script already shown you at my first posts at How To Add Custom Read More Links On Blogger & How To Create Auto Read More Link With Thumbnail On Blogger. This is a useful tips you can also read How To Add Read More Links On Feed / Email Subscription. After installed this script you must think about that how to add read more image replacing read more link. In this post you you learn that how to do this.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Add Read More Links On Feed / Email Subscription

How To Add Read More Links On Feed / Email Subscription
I know you are already installed custom read more link or auto read more links on your blog. But many of you don't know how to install in on feed burner or email updates. Subscribe to MHT email update then you will see our all email updates contain read more link on email post. That was given so many profit to us because if you want to read the full tutorial you have to must on our blog and we will get more visitor but if we are not added read more link on email update hen user will read full tutorial on email so we don't get visitors from email subscribers. So you have to install this on your email subscription too for get more visitor to your blog. In this post you will make this thing clean.

How To Create Animated Favicon For Blogger / Blog

Favicon For Blogger
Favicon is actually the icon that appears next to your Website URL in the browser address bar. A favicon is usually your blog logo. There are many free services that help to create favicons for you but most of these services use still images. I have used an animated favicon for my blog as you can see in your address bar.  It actually consists of a logo and then my blog title as text. The image and text together makes a more beautiful combination. So lets jump at the tutorial and create an attractive  cute favicon for your blog.

How To Add Pinterest Follow Button On Blogger / Wordpress

How To Add Pinterest Follow Button On Blogger / Website
Following using this button is a two-step process. Clicking the button first takes readers to your profile page where all your boards are displayed. From there, they can then choose to follow each board individually or choose to Follow All boards at once by clicking the respective buttons.
In this post I will give you the follow html codes. Please add bellow codes where you want to show the pinterest follow buttons.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How To Create Auto Read More Link With Thumbnail On Blogger

Expandable post or popularly known as “read more” is a feature that make your blog shows only a part of your posts on index pages i.e. home, labels and archive pages. At the end of each preview there will be a link to the post page, usually attached to the phrase “read more”.At the previous post i show you how to add custom read more link on blogger but if you follow these steps your blog will make read more link automatically.

How To Add Custom Read More Links On Blogger

Custom Read More Links
A good blogger can be identified by the way he manages his blog and organizes his posts. The homepage is the most important part of every blog. The homepage must contain up to 5-6 posts in order to seize the attraction of reader as much as possible. Keeping a reader busy for a longer time is what I call a blogging success. Showing 5-6 posts is load-time and user friendly only if you show a summary of each post. On my homepage you must have seen a Read More Link, clicking which expands the entire post. See the screenshot bellow.

Custom Read More Links

This will added beauty on your blog & your blog will look like a profession blog. So let's know how to create custom read more links on your blog home page & label page.

Tip:  You can use read more image replacing read more link.

You can also use this script : How To Add Auto Read More Links.

  • 1. Backup Your Template, Then Go To Blogger > Template > Edit HTML.
  • 2. Tick-mark to Expand Widget Templates.
  • 3. Search for  ]]></b:skin>  [Use Ctrl+F for quick search]
  • 4. Now Just After  ]]></b:skin>  Paste Bellow Codes.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}

  • 5. Now find  <data:post.body/>   [Use Ctrl+F for quick search]
  • 6. Just After it Paste Bellow Codes.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>

<div style="text-align: right;">Read More >></div></a>


Note: Some template have contain <> two times. If your template also then use the first <> to done this.

Customize Code:
  • To change read more title to other tile like Continue Reading >> or any other as you wise then just change the text Read More >> with your custom title.
  • If you want to shift the "Read More >>" text to the extreme-left side just change right to left 

Preview your blog  to see changes, then save your template.

How to Apply these changes ?

It's so simple to apply you just need to follow bellow steps.
When you are going to writing a post at the time "Insert Jump Link" when you want to show read more link. You can see the image bellow.

Insert Jump Link

That's all! You are done.

Host Your Blog Using Hostgator | The Best Hosting Ever

Blogging is your business which requires investment both in terms of energy, time and money. As time goes on your little blog will grow and draw attention of search engines and social media in terms of traffic. Visitors enjoy when you offer something unique and something that may help them and provide them with a reason to visit your blog.You needed a reliable company to help me expand this little blog so that tomorrow we could add new tools and resources to it. Readers deserve the right to be provided with an open forum where they could exchange ideas and interact more openly with one another. Off-topic questions often result in deletion and therefore a Forum becomes important when you want to keep things simple and clean.  Google Blogs unfortunately doesn't allow access to the server where your files are hosted for free. Which means you can not create sub domains for your blog where you could add a Forum, portfolio page or services page. Thus a reliable web hosting company becomes a necessity.

How To Add Animated Flying Twitter Bird Widget For Blogger / Website

Animated Flying Twitter Bird
Twitter's worldwide popularity and over 200 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day, it has become a must for every web master to use twitter sharing buttons and applications as much on his web as possible. This lets users to easily  tweet our blogs and websites which thereby generates traffic for us in return. In this twitter widget the bird flying animated effect by JavaScript Hack and when you scroll the page Up or Down, twitter bird will come in front of your page. The bird found itself as the “follow me” link on the Twitter account. If you move the mouse pointer over the bird, a “follow me” button and a “tweet this” button displayed. Now it's time to install it on your blogger blog. It is compatible with all browsers so I'm sure you will really enjoy this widget.

How To Hide / Remove Blogger Navbar - Quick & Easy Tips

Hide / Remove Blogger Navbar
Another interesting quick tips for all bloggers. My blogs owner are thinking about that how to remove the blogger navbar but could not able to do it but it's a easy process to hide this. Now your blog will look like a blaster blog more than your previews look. So let's know how to do it ?

Friday, April 27, 2012

How To Create a Contact Form For Blogger / Website

My all dear visitors, Now I will show you a great way to create a contact form for free. It's time for foxyform. Because only foxyform give you unlimited contact hosting for lifetime. We have see a many website like emailmeform, 123contactform but they would not give you the unlimited form hosting for free. You have to pay for unlimited form hosting but foxyform give you unlimited form hosting for free. That's the reason why I suggest you to use foxyform.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To Create Google Add To Circle Button For Blogger

Google Add To Circle Button
Google is the #1 platform to promote your page. Now google has published another way to promote your page. That's google+, are you already create a profile on google+ ? If not create it now. Now you can also create a google + page. After creating your account you will feel a great moment surely : ). Any way let's do the job. Now need a solution how to promote your profile or page. Here is the best solution let's start.

How To Backup And Restore Blogger / Blog Template

How To Backup Blogger / Blog Template
Backup template that means save your template to hard disk. Why do you need to backup your template ? It's a very easy question for me :) Some reason, sometime you need to edit your template code like you need a add a css code then you need to edit your template code at the suppose your write a code wrongly or when you are type your missed a word & also click on save setting then you have a chance to lost your template. If your backup your template first you don't have this problem later. So before editing your template please backup it first.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earn Up To $ 1 Per Day By Promoting Paid To Promote

Paid To Promote
My dear friend's, I'm find another interesting & easy way to earn up to $ 1 per day. We all know pop up add is a great way to earn money but it's something different from other pop up add. You need to register on paid to promote. Then the will give you some script code & a promote link. You just need to promote the link yourself on using there java code by installing it on your website. They will give you a referral link also, you just need to referral your friends to earn more. If you don't want to refer other they have no problem you can only promote there promoting link to earn money.

Add Subscribe Now Stylish Button With Social Links On Blogger

subscribe now button
Another great tips are coming for blogger users. This will help you a lot to grow your page traffic and social fans. It's look like simple but it's one of famous gadget of blogger. You can add this on your blog right side or page footer. It's important you must need 300x250 space on your blog gadget, if you try to change the size then the gadget will dislike alone. You just need a 300x250 space to add it. Please try to set it on top right side of your blog because then your subscriber will get the full power of this. You can add facebook, google+, twitter & rss feed there. There also available a email subscribe button, feed counter. I think this will be a great tricks for you. Lets start how to do it ?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earn Money Online By Displaying Popup Add To Your Website/Blog

Earn Money Online By Displaying Displaying Popup Add
Here we come for another great way to earn a big money online from your website/blog. It's another website who have given money for displaying there ads on your website. Don't worry they does not displaying there ads on your website there ads are displaying by popup window so your visitor will don't get any problem with that. The set up process is very easy from other website. Your can earn up to $1 per day if you have 30000 page-views daily in your website. After completing earning $ of 25 you can get your payment by paypal, alertpay or moneybookers. Now it's time to know how to do it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How To Add Floating Social Sharing Button On Blogger

Floating Social Sharing Button
Done, at least we get a latest way to increase blogger traffic. Add floating social sharing buttons on your blog & get profit. User can share your post by a single click. Let's enjoy blogging. There is 3 social sharing plug in available, facebook, google+ and twitter. After adding this, your blog will look like great to watch. Hope all of you guys like this.

Friday, April 20, 2012

HTML Color Code Generator & Finder For Blogger & Web Developers

Are you a web master ? Then why here is another secret way to spread the world. Do you know what is html color code generator ? Color code generator is a massive online software that will fully help you to get your any favorite color html code. Why still need photoshop to get your color html code, now you will get your code any time & easily. Here is a simple way get it, you will need to generate your color code from here every day so kindly bookmark this post link to your browser.

Sign Up To Graboid Affiliate Program

Before sign up, read how to make money online with this.

Personal Info

Additional info

How To Earn Big Money Online Using Graboid

How To Earn Big Money Online Using Graboid
Another way earn money online in home. It's the latest way & safest way to earn big money online in home. There are many affiliate program to earn big money any time. If you have a website or blog then you have to use it because it a great way to spreed the world. If you don't have a website or then then also you have no problem. Earning is fun that was again proved by graboid :D. I was start using it & it's time to tell you how to do it. It's very easy, anyone can do it. You just need some general knowledge & a master plan to earn more money. At last you will get pay by paypal.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Windows 7 | XP | Vista Look Like Apple Mac OS

Apple Mac OS
Hello friends, Now I'm come to show you a great tutorial. Make your windows xp,vista,seven look like apple mac os. Ultimately it's very easy but most of people don't know that, here is a special tips & you will enjoy it surely. Just you need to download apple mac os theme & follow my introduction. To do this you need a pc with operating system windows xp or windows vista or windows seven. So collect these & then follow me.

Full List Of All Windows Xp Keyboard Shortcut

Full List Of All Windows Xp Keyboard Shortcut
As we know our hands are always busy with keyboard. So we need shortcut way to ignore mouse always :). Here is some useful keyboard shortcut to ignore mouse & go fast away with keyboard. Before using it make sure you are using windows xp, not windows 7 or any other operating system. These shortcuts was published by microsoft & it was still available there.

What is feed burner ? How to create & use it ?

Feed Burner
What are feeds? There out "RSS", "XML", and "Atom" , but you don't know how you might use these links when you find them.

Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. Feeds also make it possible for site content to be packaged into "widgets," "gadgets," mobile devices, and other bite-sized technologies that make it possible to display blogs, podcasts, and major news/sports/weather/whatever headlines just about anywhere.

Tweet Blogger Post Automatically When You Published Your Post

Auto Tweets Your Blogger PostsIt’s a great tutorial for blogger user to tweet your blog posts automatically on your twitter account. It’s also available for any blog publishers like wordpress, typepad etc. I think this tutorial will help you every time when you need to tweet your posts automatically. Actually it was done by our favorite google feed burner. I just show you how to do it. If you do not have any blog or web page please create it from blogger or any other publisher then feed burner will do a great job for you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Advertise With My How Tricks

If you want to advertise with us please contact us.

Contact MHT Admin


Earn Money Online By Shorting Any Links With

Are you know ? You can earn money online with sharing your any links on facebook, orkut, google+, linkedin etc. social website or on your personal website. Yes! the program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your short links! Refer friends and receive more money.

It's a free URL shortener service with a twist. Just register for an account and start shrinking. You get paid for every person that visits your URLs. Example URL for Google: Just shorten your link & place it to your facebook, orkut, twitter, linkedin profile or your website. At last when your balance reached $5 then you will transfer your balance to your paypal or alertpay id.

So Join Adf By Clicking here.

Why Chose Adf ?

  • Earn more than $4.00 / 1000 visitors to your links.
  • Get tiny URLs, great for when text space is limited.
  • All advertising is strictly family-safe with no popups.
  • Frequent statistics with revenue breakdown.
  • Refer users and get a massive 20% commission.
  • Many tools - Mass Shrinker, Easy Link, API
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

About Bibhuti - MHT Author

Bibhuti Bhushan Barman

Bibhuti Bhushan Barman
Keep Changing Mind
I'm not a normal guy. I'm little mad, little shunt. I just love to blogging so that's why I can't able to stop posting. I'm little tired about posting content so that's the reason why i post content very irregularly. I just post contents which are interesting for me and which i want to share to public. If you want to know something more you can visit

My Little Advice:

  • Do what you want.
  • Take what you need.
  • Share to feel free.
  • Keep your mind always like a child.
  • Take away from normal life :)
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