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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To Backup And Restore Blogger / Blog Template

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How To Backup Blogger / Blog Template
Backup template that means save your template to hard disk. Why do you need to backup your template ? It's a very easy question for me :) Some reason, sometime you need to edit your template code like you need a add a css code then you need to edit your template code at the suppose your write a code wrongly or when you are type your missed a word & also click on save setting then you have a chance to lost your template. If your backup your template first you don't have this problem later. So before editing your template please backup it first.

How To Backup Template ?

It's a very easy process to done.

  • Step 1: Log in To Blog Dashboard > Template (see image bellow).
Dashboard > Template

  • Step 2: Click on backup/restore template
backup/restore template

  • Step 3: Now download full template.
download full template

You are done. 


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