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Friday, April 27, 2012

How To Create a Contact Form For Blogger / Website

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My all dear visitors, Now I will show you a great way to create a contact form for free. It's time for foxyform. Because only foxyform give you unlimited contact hosting for lifetime. We have see a many website like emailmeform, 123contactform but they would not give you the unlimited form hosting for free. You have to pay for unlimited form hosting but foxyform give you unlimited form hosting for free. That's the reason why I suggest you to use foxyform.

How to create a form ?

I already said that you can use foxyform for unlimited form hosting.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Select what you need to your form.
Select what you need to your form

Step 3: Select form background color, font color, font style, font size & then write your email where you want to send your contact mail. Please add your valid email otherwise you'll don't able to get your contact mails.
Select form background color, font color, font style, font size

Step 4: A html code give you after submitting your details, now add your html code there, where you want to show your contact form. Your contact form will look like this,

That's all! hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much.


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